My Skills
My day-to-day mostly involves working on back-end server applications on Linux, using mostly C, Bash, PHP and Perl. I'm also responsible for a suite of Windows GUI applications that interface with the backend systems that I work on. These typically use VB.NET. I review code by others written in C# and in my spare time like to keep my eye on JavaScript and the web.
Skills I use at work
- C
- C#
- Bash
- Perl
- Windows Forms
- MSSQL Server
Skills I like to dabble in
- Javascript
- jQuery
- Git
Skills I use infrequently
- C++
- Java
- Adobe Flash
- Windows Services
- Microsoft Reporting Services
My Qualifications
The University of Kent
1st Class Honours, Bsc Multimedia Technology and Design
2007 – 2010
Selected Areas of Study
- Software Development
- Graphic Design
- Web Design and Development
- 3D Modelling
- Animation
- Film Making
My Employment History
Senior Software Developer
Atereo (previously known as BTS Holdings Limited)
September 2015 – Present (9+ years) | Wallington, Surrey
Typical skills and technologies:
- C
- C#
- Bash
- Perl
- Git
Software Developer
June 2010 – September 2015 (5+ years) | Wallington, Surrey
Typical skills and technologies:
- Windows Forms
Some Examples
BTS Sport

BTS Sport is a simple website built using HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP and MySQL as a learning exercise. It is used by some members of BTS staff to keep track of various sporting activities.
I intend to continue to use it as I investigate new technologies and techniques in the future. For example, I am in the process of a re-write using Responsive Web Design principles and PHP MVC design patterns.
I also want to write my first Android and/or Windows 10 apps for it and I will no doubt use it as I explore other modern web techniques such as SASS, Node.js and react.js.